CSA Box Contents
- Green Beans
- good source of vitamins A & C
- good source of fiber
- Carrots
- good source of fiber
- high in beta carotene/vitamin A
- Butternut Squash
- high in vitamins A & C
- good source of potassium
- Acorn Squash
- high in vitamin C
- good source of fiber
- iron (non-heme) containing food
- Red & Orange Long Peppers
- high in vitamins A and C
- good source of fiber
- Yellow Potatoes
- high in vitamin C
- iron (non-heme) containing food
- Sweet Potatoes
- good source of fiber
- high in vitamins A & C
- high in beta carotene
- Leeks
- high in vitamins A & K
- good source of vitamin C & folate
- Bok Choy
- high in vitamin A, C, K
- good source of calcium
- White Salad Turnips
- high in vitamin C
In the refrigerator…peppers, yellow potatoes (organic)
In a bag in the refrigerator…carrots, string beans (leave open for ventilation), turnips and their leaves (separated), leeks, and bok choy (wrapped in paper towels)
On the counter…Winter Squashes
In a dry, medium-warm place…Sweet Potatoes
Butternut Squashed Potato Soup
Previous CSA’s This Season
week 8, week 7, week 6, week 5, week 4, week 3, week 2, week 1
CSA Box Contents (#9)